
Declutter Your Finances, Grow Your Wealth.

I help women simplify their finances & build lasting wealth. Subscribe now to get your short money boost delivered straight to your inbox every week! 👇

Lower Interest Rates Again? Here’s How to Protect Your Wealth

Hi Reader! Maybe you've heard the news—it's happened again. The European Central Bank has lowered interest rates again. While this helps stabilize inflation and boost the economy, it’s not great for our savings. Sure, it’s still better than the days of 0% interest rates—but when it comes to building wealth, it’s far from ideal. Relying solely on a savings account to grow your money is a losing strategy. If we truly want to build wealth without watching inflation eat away at our savings, we...

Don’t make this costly mistake!

Hi Reader! Nobody’s perfect. Not even the most successful entrepreneurs like Amy Porterfield. She didn’t start with a $100 million business—she made mistakes, just like everyone else. Starting your online business means embracing mistakes. They’re part of the process. But the difference between struggling entrepreneurs and successful ones is this: successful entrepreneurs make progress by avoiding avoidable mistakes. The biggest mistake new online entrepreneurs make is focusing on perfection...

Facing the Challenges of Starting an Online Business

Hi Reader! Starting an online business can feel both exciting and overwhelming. I remember when I launched my first blog six years ago, full of energy and ideas. But reality hit harder than expected. I spent countless hours trying to do it all myself, leading to frustration and exhaustion. Eventually, I almost gave up. What went wrong? I was running the marathon of building a business, but starting off like a sprinter—without preparation. But I didn’t quit. Instead, I realized that if I...

Start a Purposeful Business in 2025: Your Time is Now

Hi Reader! What do opening a farm in Turkey, reviving a bungalow resort in Thailand, and selling sweet cherries at a local market have in common? They were all business ideas my husband and I took the leap to make real. No overthinking. No waiting for the "perfect moment." We jumped in with confidence, knowing we could figure it out as we went along. Those were offline businesses requiring hefty investments. But now, it’s 2025. And everything has changed. If you’re still debating whether to...

5 Simple Online Business Ideas to Kickstart Your Freedom Today

Hi Reader! Sometimes, people wonder why I often sit in cafés with my computer and work. When I explain that it’s both my work and part of my lifestyle, they’re surprised. For me, work isn’t something I have to do—it’s my passion, which I’ve turned into a small business ecosystem that allows me to live a life of freedom. So, how did I do that? Six years ago, I started blogging for the same reason many beginners do: I wanted freedom and flexibility. Today, I’ll share five easy online business...

Creator to Entrepreneur: How to Build a Thriving Business

Hi Reader! Let’s Talk About Business. What does it actually mean to own a business? At its core: A shop sells something to make money. A company produces and sells something to make money. Right? But how do you go from creator to entrepreneur? Before I met my husband, I worked as an employee. I did my best to provide value to my employer. When we started building and running businesses together, I assumed it would be the same—work hard, give value, and everything would fall into place. I soon...

From Blog to Business: Lessons on Turning Passion into Profit

Hi Reader! When I first started my blog, I had one clear goal: to turn it into a business. Unlike other ventures where fear and uncertainty held me back, this time, I was only excited. I knew I had something valuable to share, and I couldn’t wait to get started. Starting something new often brings mixed emotions. In the past, fear would slow me down, but this time it was different. There was no fear of the unknown or doubt about whether I could succeed. Instead, I felt energized by the...

Yes, You Can Start a Blog—Even If You’re Not Tech-Savvy!

Hi Reader! In 2018, at the age of 41, I started my first blog. Compared to other bloggers, it felt like I was starting really late, but for me, it was the perfect time. Just six months later, I made my first $100. From that moment, I began treating my blog as a real business, and since then, my income has grown consistently. So, if you're wondering whether you can start a blog and make money from it, I can confidently say yes. But also let's be honest: Starting a blog can feel overwhelming,...

Turn Your Blog Into a Business with These Essentials!

Hi Reader! As much as I love talking about budgeting and saving, I know these alone aren’t enough to build real wealth. One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned, thanks to a cherished community member, Robert Puelz, is the concept of human capital—something often overlooked when considering our financial potential. “Our biggest asset is our ability to generate income. Economists call this ‘human capital.’ Think of human capital as the engine that keeps our lives running,” he shared. When...

How Budgeting Transformed My Life—and Can Transform Yours!

Hi Reader! I can’t pinpoint the exact moment I started budgeting, but I know it happened around the time I began blogging and found my passion for writing about personal finance. One thing is clear: budgeting completely transformed our financial life and reshaped my spending habits in ways I never anticipated. At first, I was simply tracking our expenses with an expense tracker, which helped me see our total spending each month. But I quickly realized something was missing. Once I learned...

I help women simplify their finances & build lasting wealth. Subscribe now to get your short money boost delivered straight to your inbox every week! 👇